So I'm such a slacker. I'm writing to you a day later than normal and I am sorry. See what happened was, I was all ready to write to you yesterday, but I stayed up for Kardashians last night and by the time it was over I was ready for bed. I know, I know I need to get my priorities straight, but that crazy family is so entertaining! Well anyways, it's been an eventful week in the Team Long's clubhouse. Mommy decided that we were going to stay in Washington for a few months, so we had to book a plane ticket, make an appt. for Perdie at the vet, and start packing rubbermaids of clothes. It was a lot to do that's for sure, but all worth it in my opinion. It'll be nice seeing someone other than Mommy. I need more people to pay attention to me! Well Daddy I love you a lot, but I really better go, this week has really worn me out! Miss you big!
Ellie Elephant
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