This past week flew by! I think it was because Mommy and I weren't feeling good. We basically stayed home all week, which was nice not having to go to Starbucks and Walmart 4x a week. I'm still teething, which is a bummer. I can't stop drooling, I'm in pain, and it makes me grouchy... just call me a hot mess. The mouse, our new roommate, is still in our house which is kinda freaky. Mommy can't seem to catch the little bugger. I miss you Daddy, I had to watch the Emmy's without you. I don't even watch those shows that were nominated! They come on after my bed time. How come quality television shows like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einstein don't get nominated? They are getting jipped. Well Daddy I miss you and everything but I need to go back to bed! I love you!
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