Another week without you.. not a fan. I mean I love Mommy and Perdie and all, but sometimes there is just too many girls in this house. Perdie is always trying to steal my clothes and I have to fight Mommy for the bathroom every morning. It can be a little rough. Other than that, life is good at home. Mommy and I went shopping a few times just to get out of the house. We bought pillows and a rug for the living room and a rug and some dish towels for the kitchen. The place is really starting to look better. Next week we are going to get more decorations for the living room. I'll have Mommy post some pictures when she has time. Well I need to go I'm missing one of my soap operas.. maybe you've heard of it Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? I love and miss you Daddy! 2 weeks down.
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